

By Chorus February 24, 2025
Every cannabis cultivator knows their plants thrive based on the quality of light, water, and nutrients they receive. However, another factor is just as important but far less visible: air quality. The air quality in indoor grow rooms can have a massive impact on the health and yield size of cannabis plants, but it’s a far more difficult factor to nail down and control. How can growers manage the air quality of their cannabis cultivation operations? What technological solutions are available for indoor grow rooms? The Importance of Indoor Air Quality for Healthy Cannabis Plants Like all other organisms, plants respirate . Though they might not breathe the way we do, they do take in carbon dioxide and release it alongside other chemicals. It only follows that the quality of the air that cannabis plants are exposed to will affect how they grow. Many common plant pathogens, including powdery mildew, spread primarily through the air . Managing indoor air quality in grow rooms will help to manage pests and pathogens like powdery mildew . When cannabis plants don’t have to contend with threats like mold, mildew, and other pests, they can focus their full energy on growing, which means larger plants, bigger yields, and higher profits. Beyond Plant Health: Protecting Workers with Effective Indoor Air Quality Solutions Cannabis plants aren’t the only beneficiaries of healthier indoor air. Cannabis cultivators, processors, and anyone spending considerable time in grow rooms will also benefit. Cleaner air means fewer pathogens and reduced mold and mildew spores in grow rooms. While most types of mold, including powdery mildew, pose no significant risk to humans, other types are dangerous. Additionally, long-term exposure to any type of mold or mildew can cause adverse reactions , especially in people with allergies or respiratory conditions. Working to maximize indoor air quality will also necessarily reduce odors in cannabis grow rooms . The strong smell of cannabis can be overwhelming or irritating over long periods of time, even for the most passionate cannabis cultivators. Reducing the odor of indoor cannabis cultivation operations by applying air quality solutions will help growers remain compliant and respectful of the surrounding community, too. The Impact of Poor Indoor Air Quality on Yields and Quality Low-quality indoor air, as well as its causes, can keep cannabis plants from reaching their full potential. Cannabis plants contending with low-quality air will produce smaller, lower-quality yields. Humidity Control: Maintaining Optimal Levels for Cannabis Cultivation A major component of indoor air quality is ambient humidity . Maintaining a proper humidity level in indoor grow facilities will improve air quality. Many pathogens, including common cannabis molds and mildews, thrive in environments with variable humidity. Ensuring the humidity level of your grow room remains consistent will go a long way to inhibiting the formation and growth of molds and mildew and, therefore, improving the indoor air quality of your grow room. Common grow room fixtures like fans, humidifiers, and dehumidifiers can help cannabis growers manage their grow rooms' humidity levels. Airborne Control: Advanced Technologies for Sanitizing Grow Room Air Air sanitization is another method that can help create healthier indoor air in grow rooms. With air sanitization, growers can clean the air itself and reduce pathogens and odors in indoor grow operations. Choosing the Right Indoor Air Quality Solution for Each Cannabis Grower The right indoor air quality solution for any given cannabis grow will depend on the cultivation facility's specific needs. In most cases, multiple technologies working together will provide the best solution. Ventilation and fans will keep the air moving, providing plants with constant airflow and preventing moisture buildup in pockets of excess humidity. Humidifiers add moisture to the air and are especially important in colder climates where growers must utilize heaters more extensively. Dehumidifiers remove moisture from the air and are often necessary in places with hot and humid climates. Air sanitizers clean the air itself to reduce pathogens and odors. Investing in Clean Air to Maximize Yields and Ensure a Sustainable Future Investing in air quality management technology will pay off for cannabis growers of every size. Cleaner indoor air means healthier, happier employees, ideal plant conditions and robust harvests. To find out how to begin improving the air quality in your indoor cannabis cultivation facility, contact Chorus today .
By Chorus February 10, 2025
Cannabis cultivators inherently face a catch-22 when growing and processing flower: consumers value aromatic cannabis, but those aromas can create compliance issues for cultivation facilities. How can indoor cultivation facilities reduce cannabis odors without impacting the quality of the aromatic compounds in the cannabis itself? Innovative applications of chlorine dioxide present an answer. Why Odor Control in the Cannabis Industry Matters Cannabis odor control is essential, first and foremost, for compliance reasons. Many states, counties, and even cities have strict regulations governing the odors of cannabis cultivation and processing facilities. Grow operations failing to comply with these regulations can accrue fines that cut into profits and hinder regular operation. Odor control is essential even in areas without formal regulations. It’s no secret that cannabis is incredibly aromatic, especially just before harvest and during processing. Cultivation operations that wish to portray the cannabis industry in a positive light have a responsibility to be good neighbors and minimize their impact on the surrounding community, including in terms of smells. In response to the growth of the cannabis market , cultivators are ramping up their production and growing more than ever before. Increased production necessitates more effective odor control solutions, such as innovative uses of chlorine dioxide. The Science Behind Chlorine Dioxide Uses Chlorine dioxide, or CIO2 , has been trusted to mitigate odors in many industries for decades. It is such a widespread cleaning and deodorizing agent that many of us take it for granted. How, exactly, does ClO2 work? How Chlorine Dioxide for Odor Removal Works Chlorine dioxide is a powerful oxidizer . It works to transfer electrons between reactors, creating new compounds or, in the case of chlorine dioxide for odor control, neutralizing the odor-causing molecules. The mechanisms of chlorine dioxide for smell removal are similar to how the chemical works to sanitize; it penetrates the odor- or pathogen-causing compounds and effectively neutralizes them. The Benefits of Using Chlorine Dioxide Smell Removal in Cannabis Grows Chlorine dioxide is undeniably a powerful odor remover. Why is it the best choice for cannabis cultivation? Chlorine Dioxide and Terpenes: Ensuring Odor Control Without Sacrificing Aroma Quality As mentioned in the introduction, aromas are one of the factors that consumers care most about when purchasing cannabis products. However, those same odors make it difficult for cannabis cultivation facilities to maintain compliance. To grow high-quality cannabis, cultivators must maximize their flower's aroma while minimizing the odors that escape their grow facility. Terpenes are the compounds responsible for the signature scent of cannabis. Despite their strong smell, they are relatively easily damaged by physical and chemical interference, necessitating an odor control solution that is both powerful and gentle. Chlorine dioxide fits the bill. Chlorine dioxide is safe for people and plants and can effectively control odors in the air without harming the delicate terpene balance present in high-quality cannabis flower. It’s a tiny molecule , which means it can permeate even the hardest-to-clean areas of a grow room and neutralize a vast array of odor-causing compounds. Additionally, chlorine dioxide isn’t just an odor-control agent; it can also be used to sanitize air and surfaces, allowing cultivators to grow healthier cannabis and minimize the smells that cannabis produces. Innovative chlorine dioxide applications make it even more effective at removing cannabis smells. Chorus leverages a precision-controlled, continuous release of ultra-low levels of chlorine dioxide in its Chorus Gro system to help cannabis cultivators minimize odors and remain compliant. Compliance Considerations in Meeting Odor Control Regulations Compliance with local, state, and federal regulations is essential for any cannabis company hoping to make its mark on the industry. Compliance with odor regulations is notoriously difficult and can attract fines that quickly snowball. For cannabis companies seeking a safe, effective, sustainable, and affordable option for cannabis odor control, chlorine dioxide is the answer. Chorus: Revolutionizing Odor Control in Cannabis Cultivation Chorus is leading the way in the effective applications of cannabis odor control. Chorus Gro devices allow cultivators to minimize odors throughout the entire grow cycle with innovations in chlorine dioxide application. To learn how to get Chorus Gro in your indoor cultivation facility, contact Chorus today .
By Chorus January 23, 2025
The cannabis industry is built on the idea of creating positive change. From policy changes and community improvement to future-facing growing solutions, cannabis professionals bring innovation to every corner of the industry. Cannabis cultivation technology is evolving, too. Chorus is developing innovative solutions to help cultivators maintain healthier grow rooms and higher-quality crops through pathogen control and pest management. Integrated Pest Management Plan Basics: What is IPM? Integrated pest management, or IPM, is a type of pest control methodology that considers organisms harmful to humans or human concerns’ life cycles and the environments in which they thrive. Using this information, IPM empowers cultivators to create environments that discourage pest proliferation and pathogen growth. IPM strongly emphasizes cost-effectiveness and environmental impact, seeking the most economical and safe solutions to common pest problems. Additionally, IPM embraces prevention over removing pests once they are present, resulting in a more minimal impact on plants, workers, and the environment. Why an Integrated Pest Management Plan Matters for Cannabis Cultivators IPM is an excellent choice to fulfill the unique needs of cannabis cultivators to maximize high-quality yields. Price is often the key consideration for cannabis cultivators; the sector typically operates on low margins , and saving money wherever possible is essential to continued success. IPM emphasizes economical methods and continuous pest prevention rather than outright treatment, ensuring predictably low costs compared to other pest-control strategies. Finally, cannabis products are meant to be consumed and enjoyed on every sensory level; consumers pay for top-shelf flavors and aromas. As such, it’s important to use pest-control techniques that have a minimal effect on the finished products. IPM emphasizes safe, non-toxic pest control methods to ensure a negligible impact on the taste, smell, and safety profile of the mature cannabis plants. This focus on safety is especially critical in medical cannabis cultivation. Key Components of an Effective IPM Cannabis Strategy IPM can seem more complicated than traditional pest-control methods; it requires more than just routinely spraying plants with noxious pesticides and fungicides. While this can make IPM seem intimidating initially, once you get started, this flexibility and utilization of unconventional methods become its greatest strengths. Proactive Pest Monitoring in Cannabis Cultivation The central principles of IPM are monitoring for pests and creating inhospitable environments for those that can harm crops, like powdery mildew and other types of mold. For an effective IPM strategy, cultivators need to proactively control for pests and pathogens through ongoing methods like entry and exit protocols, routine sanitization of surfaces and tools, and maintenance of air quality. Understanding What Species of Powdery Mildew Attacks Cannabis Plants There are more than 800 cataloged species of powdery mildew . Most plants are only susceptible to one or two of these species. Hemp and cannabis can be impacted by Golovinomyces ambrosiae and Podosphaera macularis , though there may be more. Implementing IPM to Prevent Powdery Mildew and Pathogen Growth Though there are only two known types of powdery mildew that affect cannabis plants, they can severely impact the quality and quantity of flower that a crop can produce. Cannabis cultivators must control this common pathogen. Powdery mildew is incredibly difficult to get rid of once it appears. Luckily, IPM strategies can help minimize its spread and even keep it from appearing in the first place. IPM for Cannabis: Tools and Techniques for Success Cannabis cultivators can leverage many different IPM techniques to manage, control, and minimize the presence of pests and pathogens in their grow rooms. Entry and Exit Protocols. Maintaining strict cleanliness standards for workers entering and exiting indoor grow rooms can help to prevent the introduction of germs and the spread of pathogens. Maintaining a Consistent Grow Room Environment. Temperature and humidity fluctuations create the ideal environment for powdery mildew to grow. An air quality monitoring system can help maintain consistent temperature, humidity, and airflow to create and sustain an inhospitable environment for pests. Regular Cleaning and Disinfection: Consistently sanitizing grow room surfaces and tools can help minimize the spread of pests and pathogens by removing bacteria. Air Sanitization Technology. Many pests and pathogens, including powdery mildew, spread through the air. Clean air is essential to IPM and critical for growing healthy cannabis plants. Creating a Customized Integrated Pest Management Plan for Your Grow Room Integrated pest management is the best way to ensure a cost-effective, healthy, and pest- and pathogen-free cannabis cultivation facility. Chorus creates and maintains healthier indoor spaces in cannabis cultivation facilities. Our innovative products are designed to complete any cannabis IPM strategy. Contact us today to learn more about our technology in development.
By Chorus January 9, 2025
Learn how chlorine dioxide enhances water treatment, food safety, healthcare, and cannabis cultivation with superior air and surface sanitization.
Indoor cannabis cultivation setup with healthy green plants, emphasizing controlled temperature, hum
By Chorus December 20, 2024
Learn best practices to prevent and manage powdery mildew in cannabis cultivation, from sanitation to innovative air-sanitizing technology.
By Chorus December 18, 2024
Chlorine dioxide is a safe and powerful option for pathogen control and integrated pest management. Learn more from Chorus, a leader in CIO2 technology.
A blue and purple background with the words press release on it
By Chorus December 3, 2024
Learn about the groundbreaking innovation from Chorus, how it leverages chlorine dioxide, and how it can help your cannabis cultivation facility thrive.
odor control in an indoor cannabis grow farm
By Chorus November 15, 2024
Explore commercial grow room odor control strategies. CHORUS helps remove cannabis smell and improves air quality for cultivation facilities.
cannabis cultivation plants
By Chorus November 15, 2024
Learn how prevention and remediation impact cannabis pathogens like powdery mildew, as well as effective treatment and prevention tools.
Chorus Welcomes Kelsey Ganon as Marketing Communications Director
By Dave Johnson October 29, 2024
Chorus announces Kelsey Ganon as Marketing Communications Director to lead strategic initiatives and brand growth.
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