To consumers, the smell of cannabis is an integral part of their experience, providing information about the taste and potential effects of the product.
For cultivators, however, the strong scent of cannabis can pose a real logistical and regulatory problem that has been difficult to solve.
The most crucial aspect of cannabis odor control is legal; many states and jurisdictions have regulations concerning the odor of cannabis cultivation and processing facilities.
Minimizing the odor of your indoor cannabis cultivation facility can also improve overall air quality and demonstrate respect for your community , reinforcing the importance of effective commercial grow room odor control.
Cannabis plants are famously aromatic, with the most potent scent arising during the final weeks of growth and during the drying process. Their pervasive aroma is primarily due to terpenes, a volatile organic compound (VOC) that protects the plant, attracts pollinators, and helps give each cultivar its unique flavor, scent, and effects.
Because terpenes are integral to the customer experience, cannabis growers work hard to preserve them, which can mean actively curating the compounds that make cannabis so odiferous.
In cannabis cultivation facilities that grow, dry, and process large amounts of flower, the distinct odor of cannabis is unavoidable. The odor can disturb members of communities near cultivation facilities — even when those cultivation facilities are entirely indoors. In response to community complaints and concerns, many states and cities have adopted laws requiring cannabis cultivators to use odor control systems.
Historically, odor has been one of the most challenging factors to control when growing cannabis. High-quality cannabis is often the most fragrant, so cannabis cultivators must try to minimize the cannabis odor that is a byproduct of cultivation while simultaneously maximizing flower aroma for consumer product appeal.
Many states and territories — especially those with high concentrations of indoor cannabis grow operations— have regulations to combat cannabis odors. For many operators, these regulations present real difficulties.
Some places, like
Washington D.C., require cannabis cultivation facilities to have an approved plan in place to control odors. Others, like
Colorado, focus more on cannabis odor control as an offshoot of air quality. States like
Michigan and
Washington require cannabis cultivation facilities to file permits or pay fees to offset the impact of cannabis odors on the surrounding community. Some states, like
California, only have odor control requirements on post-harvest operations, making commercial grow room odor control systems critical for your drying and processing rooms will.
Even in places without explicit cannabis odor control regulations, investing in an odor control system is still the best practice to show respect for your community and improve your overall indoor air quality.
Commercial cannabis cultivators need to mitigate the aroma of their plants. How can they do so?
The cannabis industry continues to grow and push toward the future, and the technology we use to cultivate and care for our plants also needs to adapt. Chorus’ odor control system provides cultivators with the simple solution they need to stay compliant and manage odors to the desired levels. When you’re ready to control odors and improve the air quality of your cultivation operation, contact Chorus for more information about joining our pilot program.
Heightened awareness of the effects that pathogens are having on our lives is creating an opportunity to rethink, in innovative ways, the solution for protecting our indoor environments.
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